Wednesday 24 September 2014

My Interview with Jazz Singer Martyna Wren

Hello everyone,

I have a fantastic blog post for you all today. I had the privilege of interviewing the beautiful vintage jazz singer Martyna Wren who is visiting my city of Bristol for her Vintage Tea Party Tour later this month.


Hi Martyna, thank you for joining me here at my family & lifestyle blog, Jelly Rose.

When did you first discover jazz music, and was it love at first sight?

At age 12 I would go the library every Friday after school and take out as many tapes and CDs as my card would allow. I came across a Julie London CD and then discovered Cole Porter and Gershwin, it was definitely love at first listen. I starter making jazz mix tapes while all my friends were listening to Take That! 

Who is your musical muse?

I think Irving Berlin is an incredible songwriter. I'm also a huge fan of Burt Bacherach so my music has that crossover from cool jazz to 60's pop. 

Are there any embarrassing songs on your mp3 player?

I'm sure there are plenty. Pressing shuffle is definitely a gamble. I started learning German last year so there's lots of German pop on there that might raise a few eyebrows.

Where would your dream stage be, and why?

I love old theatres so to travel and play theatres all over the world would be a dream. I'm also looking forward to the beautiful vintage tearooms on my upcoming tea tour. We'll be performing an acoustic version of the album so each event is going to be special. 

What are your three beauty and fashion tips to embrace the vintage style?

Yves Saint Laurent said "Fashion fades, style is eternal" so I think whatever era of vintage you love it's important to find your own style. I also never save clothes for "best"; you should feel great about what you wear every single day. Lastly having spent a month on WW2 rations for The Notivate Trust I would say value what you have. It's so easy to keep buying more and more but feeling like you never have anything to wear. Keep your favourite pieces and donate anything you truly never wear to a good cause. 

Thank you Martyna.


You can watch Martyna perform on her latest Vintage Tea Tour. She's coming to Bristol on Sunday, 28th September at Cox & Balony, and other venues around the UK.

You can find the list of Martyna's show HERE on her website. You can also follow Martyna on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

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